Friday, July 10, 2020

quarantine doing

Hello readers, how y'all been. Today I found out that we need to be on lockdown for some days because of this deadly virus called corona or COVID 19,we have to protect ourselves and the people surrounding us, as of family, friends, and just anyone you come in contact with. I been in the house cent I had the baby and it been a while, so I think I'm already good in that, but knowing that u can't go no where and you have to stay in the house for something that should been detected and dealt with in the beginning: that suck. I know you think there nothing to do, but if you look at it, it might be the best for a lot of y'all. 

Things to do while in qurantine. and no not social media gossiop website or your favorite celebs, I mean like a book. I'm reading a book I was reading before but I thought I lost it, now found it again. Magazines, I got old ones I read about 3 times already. 
2.paint, draw found something to draw like a friend or a family member, anything. I got also sketch more design. 
3.chilling with loves ones, the ones who get in your nerves but you do anything for them if ask. 
4.and last one I got in mind, and also my favorite... Sleep, yup sleep if you have nothing to do cuz u lock up in a house and you did everything you can... Go back to sleep and don't wake up until you have to use the bathroom and eat. 

There my things to do during quarantine. 

black lives Matter (we need a revolution)

Hello readers, how you been. Ok I had to stop doing all the back post I been putting up to do this. It a lot of things right now that going in in the black community that was hidden for a long time and we keep talking and protesting about it and still getting no where with the law or government. They treating us as a joke or still with no feeling of who we are, as I can recall Africans American build half of what we on and been doing it for years over this white bs. We have always have a voice, we was never silence ; it just now that we making noise other then your voice we getting to where we have to be. Now videos and live streaming is making us be more notice and that the best thing right now.

Growing up I always heard my whole life that even if a black man make a million he still be low because he made it doing drugs or if a black woman got a head on her shoulders and doing her she still be nothing because we can't thing for yourselves. We was never the one to look at the problems that we thought we hidden, yes hidden because we, us black people still try to walk around and make sure to prove (the racist)and small minded people wrong, but I see it's just becoming as if they think we kissing ass and they playing us as fools.
The marches we walked, the stand we stood, the voice we spoke, and the fight we fought, to tell them that we are human being, if you cut us we bleed too. 

The law we made by their kind and go by their kind. They won't listen, they don't care. A black man or black woman getting shot don't fuzz them, this not shattering their hearts, they don't look at us and see that this might could be their brother, sister, son, daughter because they thing they better, they think they know everything, and they think if they can kill all of us off the world we be great again... But fool them let finish we doing what we have to to make sure they never sleep on us again. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

lovin' my baby

Hello, readers, I just been in aww lately. Sent I had my son that all I really been focus on. A while month past and I'm just can't stop holding  and kissing him he that most precious thing( really just so small). I really never thought I be a mother, I was going to be the cool auntie (lol) it do make you think and I was thinking for a long time, how I'mma be a good mother and if I'm going to be a good mother, then when he came I knew already, it hit different just looking at him make everything ok. I knew I was going to do my best to protect him from what ever I can. I love being a mother because know I got some one I can love no matter what, and someone who would love me. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

new mother 😍💕

Hello, readers it's me I'm back to say I had him, Jeremiah he is the most precious thing in the world. I would never thought that I'll be a mother even when I was pregnant it was still a wow really? Me! Moment, but sent he here I can't stop holding him, looking at him, kissing him. A baby really do change your life, maybe not your whole life  but the way you think and act a little bit, enough to make yo fell like a while new person. Something he do make me just smile, when I look at him I smile. When I had him and they put him in my arms I just  stared at him, he was so tiny and small(my heart grow 3 size bigger) it felt warm and nice a little person I'm holding and he was mine. Now I can just watch him grow and get his own personally, I can't wait for more months to come and as he getting older.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

pregnancy skin care, 8 months

Hello, I'm back and I'm farther along in my months now and Its getting harder and harder, I'm getting more tired/sleepy, hungry more ( that just a bonus) and my clothes is not fitting. My pregnancy do bring something good and clear and that is my skin, I been having the best skin even though I feel like I have really beautiful skin its something about taking this prenatal and the baby give you a real glow, but just because it give you a lovely glow don't mean nothing; you still have to take care of ur skin, still do your regular face care routine. When your pregnant your skin is a little bit more sensitive to a lot of things and there is certain face product that don't work; it would if you wasn't, but sent I am I go a little more lighter on my skin, 

This what I use while pregnant. 
-olay soap, still use this I don't think this will change any time soon it's make your skin feel soft and healthy or dial, it a anti bacteria soap. 
-oatmeal lotion, make you good and better about yourself when you put it in because it just so smooth, and smell really good.
See very easy plain steps nothing to it. Ive been more simple when I'm pregnant even though I wasn't having morning sickness so anything was ok but being light was something I did because I think it for the best, the glow come naturally, you don't have to do all that 5-10 step routine as you pregnant because with some people pregnant do wonders for the skin, like me it gave me a pretty good non-pimple face for this whole pregnancy. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020


hey readers but not followers, how is everything going on with you. I know everything changing the weather and styles and maybe even people, still hope you loving who you are. I know for me  a lot have change, work still good,still keeping myself energize and...I'm expecting (7 months right now) I am excited and what to see him(yes it's a boy)and guys when they say the glow is real.... the glow is real, I'm shining, skin looking nice and healthy but my body is the in e feeling a little weak, but that normal for when you carrying a body, right. I'm still promoting my self health (BBM) that stand for  Big Girl Magic; and this is for every female and woman  because everyone of us is strong, wise and empowered.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Beautiful day, loving evening

When you need a break from a lot of things that going on in your life, that not easy to deal with, sometimes just walking  help a lot. Clearing your head is a most, even if it's a small little walk around the corner, you have to just go out and look at your surroundings to cool off.

BGM. Having time to your self to breath in and out with only your thoughts, is sometimes your only option.